Together, we can

Support youths with sustainable, holistic programs | Improving lives with humanitarian principles.


Explore What We Do

FACE Zim empowers through practical training in fields like motor mechanics and textile technology, fostering entrepreneurship and community development


Empowering youths by providing education such as life skills, and entrepreneurship lessons. This comprehensive support equips young people with the knowledge and skills needed for personal and professional success, fostering a generation of informed, innovative, and self-reliant individuals.


We are transforming Rusape Prisons by providing essential tools like fence-making machines and brooms. This support enhances facility security, promotes inmate skill development, and ensures a cleaner, more productive environment, fostering effective rehabilitation and positive change.

Renewable Energy

We work to promote renewable energy adoption and address climate change by advocating for policy reforms, raising awareness, and implementing sustainable energy projects in the communities we partner.

Special Interest Groups

Ensuring equitable representation and empowering marginalized communities within special interest groups are essential for fostering genuine inclusion and addressing systemic injustices effectively. We are proud to be part of the solution.

Water & Sanitation

Empowering Community Health Clubs with vital resources, enhancing their capacity to promote health and wellness. We help these clubs deliver better health education, improve sanitation, and support community-driven health initiatives, creating a healthier and more informed society.

Women & Girls

Supporting women in forming collectives focused on various projects to enhance their livelihoods. By facilitating these groups, we empower women to lead initiatives that promote economic development, improve their families’ well-being, and foster a supportive community environment.

How We Do It

Empowering Youths: Explore Our Journey with FACE Zim!

FACE Zim empowers youth through comprehensive vocational training in motor mechanics, textile technology, and agriculture. We also provide essential life skills and technopreneurship lessons, fostering entrepreneurship and community development.


Latest Projects

FACE Zim empowers through trade trainings in different fields like motor mechanics and textile technology, fostering entrepreneurship and also community development through community gardens

Our numbers that speak

We have numbers that push us to give in our best and make sure that we break our own records. We are happy to be growing and helping more day by day.

Communities helped
Funds Raised
Children Helped
Lives Impacted